Are you prepared for a power outage?
Expect more blackouts in California, PG&E says. But utility predicts smaller, shorter shutoffs
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peace of mind
Rogers Electric will perform an onsite consultation. We will review your electrical needs. Assess your current electrical layout and design a backup generator system right for you.
We will handle everything from permits, installation and final inspection.
A back up generator will give you peace of mind during natural disasters, storms, fires, utility outages.

Step 1:
An onsite consultation will help you pick a generator location.
Stable, well drained are that will not flood.
Clearance around the generator for a technician.
Keep in mind local community planning & noise restrictions.
Step 2:
Prepare concrete slab.
Place generator on the slab.
Step 3:
Fuel line is connected
Transfer switch installed next to the main breaker box
The transfer switch senses where the power is coming
The transfer switch senses where the power is coming from and when to switch over to generator power.
Step 4:
Technicians checks that everything works as it should
Set up weekly self-test to ensure everything continues to function as normal.
what generator is right for you?
Selecting the right size generator depends on what you want to power.
what does a transfer switch do?
A transfer switch is an electrical switch that switches a load between two sources. ... An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is often installed where a backup generator is located, so that the generator may provide temporary electrical power if the utility source fails.
what fuel source do i need?
Residential stand-by generators more commonly include: natural gas generators or propane generators, while the smaller portable generators typically run on gasoline, diesel fuel, or propane.
Do standby generators make a lot of noise?
If you want a quiet unit, ask about a larger, liquid-cooled model. While air-cooled models are smaller, they tend to operate more loudly than liquid-cooled generators.
Can i run my generator all the time to help reduce my electrical bill?
No. Your generator should be used as a temporary power source during emergencies. It is best used to keep essential appliances running when your main source of power is unavailable.
What brand generators do you install?
Rogers Electric offers standby generators from industry leading brands such as Kohler, Cummins, Onan & Generac.
How long will it take for my emergency generator to start?
Backup generators are installed to provide seamless power in the event of an outage and will automatically turn on when your power goes out.
What powers my generator?
You may choose either natural gas or liquid propane gas as a fuel source. If you already have a gas connection, we will contact your gas company to get your generator hooked up to it. A separate service may be required for propane.
What are the leading causes of power outages in North America?
The leading cause of lost power is strong storms, which are responsible for 47% of power outages. Equipment failure causes 34%, while 12% are due to snow and ice storms during the winter months. The remaining 7% is due to unknown causes.